“More haste, less speed” springs to mind. Traditional professionals tend to focus on getting the engagement done. They think they know what the client expects, so they get on with the “work”, diving into the drafting, financial analysis. They aim to look busy throughout and can be satisfied when they can send their final invoice, and move onto the next matter.
From the clients perspective, this means they are often left with a glossy report which may or may not meet their expectations/needs. In the increasingly interconnected, complex world that clients operate in, it is important to consciously spend an appropriate amount of time ensuring that you understand clients’ real desired outcomes.
The really great professionals spend time working with the client to ensure that both they, and often the client themselves, are clear about their desired outcomes.
‘We did force teams to write to the client at the end of the year with this value proof letter that said over the last year we have worked with you on this, this and this and this is the value as delivered to your organisation, relative to the fees we charged.” Partner at top 5 strategy consultancy firm