In the battle to become the trusted adviser to the board, the accountants should be the victors. Yet, despite all these advantages accountants are seen by clients as less commercial than lawyers. [learn more]
The legal market is also being re-shaped by new entrants that are offering innovative solutions to companies. Legal departments have changed, but have law firms? Here the evidence is mixed. However, our research with clients shows that lawyers get better ratings for being commercial than any other profession. [learn more]
The consultancy market is tough. The market is polarizing. Mid-sized firms are suffering as niche players and the very large consultancies thrive. [learn more]
Whether you’re looking at retaining existing clients or winning new ones, from a business development or marketing perspective, the ‘commerciality’ of your firm is key. [learn more]
– Are you an L&D PROFESSIONAL?
In order to differentiate, professionals are having to demonstrate a breadth of experience and skills in terms of their personal effectiveness, and domain / business experience. They need to prove to be more commercial. [learn more]
– Are you an IN-HOUSE adviser?
In order to maximize the value our advisers can deliver it is important that we as clients can to articulate commerciality better and help raise standards in areas that have a positive impact for us. [learn more]